
Ignaziana is a Journal to deepen various aspects of the mission of the Collegium Maximum of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Ignaziana is also intended for those interested in the charism of the Society of Jesus and those who live their human and Christian experience in light of Jesuit spirituality. It is directed to a community spread throughout the whole world that the journal intends to support by the diffusion of research in the tradition of the Society of Jesus and that is in strict rapport with the contemporary culture. For this reason it receives the contributions and the collaboration of scholars and researchers throughout the world.

The new journal Council, a team of professors at the Gregorian University responsible for editing the journal, will consist of Fr. Pino Di Luccio S.J. (director), Fr. Paul Oberholzer S.J., Fr. Ferenc Patsch S.J. and Fr. Rolphy Pinto S.J.; the editorial secretary is Alessandro Falciani.

how do I cite from Ignaziana?

Almost as you would cite from a print review:
V. POGGI, «Moscou, dans les confessions de Pierre Favre (1542)», in Ignaziana www.ignaziana.org 1 (2006) 41-53.

conditions for publication

The purpose of the journal is to issue unpublished material. We also plan to publish occasional single-topic dossiers. The author may choose to publish in any language, but obviously the more widely known the language is, the more likely people are to read it. If an article is published in Ignaziana, permission will not be given for republication in the original language; and for publication in translation, the Editor’s written consent is required.

submissions for publication

Authors should send their material to the Editors. It will be evaluated by the journal Council, which may, at its discretion, make editorial suggestions before the work is published. The two annual numbers will be published in spring and in autumn; material for consideration should therefore arrive until April and until October respectively. Contributors will not be paid.


Ignaziana will not normally introduce editorial changes in the material it publishes, beyond what is necessary to bring the texts into the review’s format. The formatting and presentation of the material is entirely the authors’ responsibility.
The standards to be followed for citations are those of the Chicago Citation.