PINO DI LUCCIO S.I., Introduzione
FRANCISCO RAMÍREZ FUEYO S.I., Los Ejercicios Espirituales como fuente inspiradora de la pedagogía ignaciana
The article delves into the influence of Spiritual Exercises in Ignatian pedagogy, examining its spiritual roots and personalized configuration. It highlights the connection between Ignatian spirituality and education, emphasizing the profound self-awareness and worldview experience within this tradition. Furthermore, it discusses the emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the educational context, showcasing its remarkable progress. This technological advancement integrates into Ignatian pedagogy, emphasizing the importance of personal knowledge appropriation and comprehensive education involving all dimensions of individuals.
PAUL ROLPHY PINTO S.I., L’ispirazione trinitaria della pedagogia ignaziana
The article “The Trinitarian Inspiration of Ignatian Pedagogy” delves into the connection between Ignatius of Loyola’s Trinitarian vision and his pedagogy. Inspired by the Trinity, Ignatius developed a pedagogy to form individuals with and for others, profoundly influencing the educational apostolate of the Society of Jesus. His mystical experience on the Cardoner River provided insights into the Trinity, shaping his life and teachings. The Trinity became the central inspirational source of his pedagogy, deeply influencing his educational method and discernment of spirits.
JAMES E. GRUMMER S.I., The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus as a Resource for Ignatian Pedagogy
The article “The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus as a Resource for Ignatian Pedagogy” by James E. Grummer S.J. delves into the charismatic origins of the Society of Jesus, aligning with the Second Vatican Council’s decree Perfectae Caritatis. It explores how the Society of Jesus, through constant renewal and adaptation, has faced modern challenges by reverting to its Ignatian roots. The article highlights the crucial role of personal experience and mutual learning between teachers and students. It provides valuable insights for the evolution of Ignatian pedagogy within the current and future contexts of Jesuit education.
PAUL OBERHOLZER S.I., Sguardo su alcuni sviluppi essenziali dell’educazione scolastica nel generalato di S. Ignazio di Loyola (1541-1556)
The text provides an overview of the essential developments in school education during the generalate of Ignatius of Loyola (1541-1556). It highlights how school education was closely linked to religious education, with the Fifth Lateran Council requiring teachers to teach not only grammar and rhetoric, but also Christian doctrine. The text also describes the transformations of school education in Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries, with the transition from municipal schools to those managed by the aristocracy and the Church, accompanied by an increasing clericalization of the teaching staff. Finally, the text analyzes the early documents of the Society of Jesus, which attributed a central role to the teaching of the faith to the people.